STI Technical Analysis
In this technical analysis for STI Education Systems Holdings (STI), I’ll show you the status of the six (6) indicators I monitor to know if the stock has a confirmed buy signal. If all six indicators are bullish, it means the stock has a confirmed buy signal according to my proprietary methodology.
I don’t follow the classical usage of technical indicators. I have my proprietary methodology in using certain technical indicators, which I call The Evergreen Strategy 2.0.
Getting a confirmed buy signal does not mean buying the stock right away. I must compute for my initial trailing stop and reward-to-risk ratio first.
The computation of my reward-to-risk ratio follows after computing for my initial trailing stop. I need to decide for the percentage of risk I’m willing to apply in that particular trade. This process must be done sequentially. To compute my reward-to-risk ratio, I need to identify the stock’s resistance.
For your convenience, I created the Trailing Stop Calculator and Reward-to-Risk Ratio Calculator, which you’ll find in the Calculators tab of the Library section of our website.
This STI technical analysis gives you a sneak preview of my thought process in making a data-driven trade and investment decision. Subscribe to our stock market consultancy service to learn my entire methodology.
Let’s take a look at the ratings of the six indicators.
Price vs. 10-day Simple Moving Average (SMA)
Parameter 1: Is its last price moving above its 10-day simple moving average (SMA)?
Answer: YES
Parameter 3: Is its last volume bar higher than 50 percent of its 10-day volume average?
Answer: YES
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) vs. Signal Line
Parameter 2: Is its moving average convergence divergence (MACD) moving above its signal line?
Answer: YES
Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
Parameter 4: Is its last price equal or higher than its volume-weighted average price?
Answer: YES
Dominant Range Index (DRI)
Parameter 5: Is its Dominant Range Index bullish?
Answer: YES
Dominant Range Index: BULLISH
Last Price: 0.37
VWAP: 0.36
Dominant Range: 0.365 – 0.365
Market Sentiment Index (MSI)
Parameter 6: Is its Market Sentiment Index bullish?
Answer: YES
Market Sentiment Index: BULLISH
11 of the 15 participating brokers, or 73.33% of all participants, registered a positive Net Amount
9 of the 15 participating brokers, or 60.00% of all participants, registered a higher Buying Average than Selling Average
15 Participating Brokers’ Buying Average: ₱0.36356
15 Participating Brokers’ Selling Average: ₱0.36351
8 out of 15 participants, or 53.33% of all participants, registered a 100% BUYING activity
4 out of 15 participants, or 26.67% of all participants, registered a 100% SELLING activity
Verdict: STI Technical Analysis
There is NO confirmed buy signal because not all six indicators are bullish. This doesn’t mean you should sell if you already have some shares of this stock. Refer to the fourth lesson of our Evergreen Strategy 2.0 for a refresher on what you should do.
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